Nationally Recognized wildlife Conservation Photographer

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Melody Bentz Photography
Those Who Protect And Save Other Animals Lead The Way In Protecting And Saving Humanity and Earth
-- Anthony Douglas Williams
Nationally Recognized wildlife Conservation Photographer
Those Who Protect And Save Other Animals Lead The Way In Protecting And Saving Humanity and Earth
-- Anthony Douglas Williams
Thanks to you, we have successfully raised $2 million to build wildlife crossings in red wolf territory.
In May, an anonymous donor issued a $2 million match challenge to build wildlife crossings across U.S. 64, a highway that runs through the heart of red wolf country. For the past eight months, the Center for Biological Diversity, Wildlands Network, and the Save Red Wolves coalition have been fundraising to meet the match. On December 17, we achieved the $2 million goal.
More than 13,000 individual donors contributed to the wildlife crossings campaign. In addition, several major donors provided incredibly generous gifts, including the Okavango Foundation, the Wildlife Crossings Fund, and The Volgenau Foundation and many others.
There’s even more good news: the $4 million raised through the match challenge just enabled North Carolina to receive a $25 million federal grant to build 13 wildlife crossings in red wolf territory.
These wildlife crossings will protect endangered red wolves and dozens of other species, including river otters, bobcats, white-tailed deer, spotted turtles and black bears.
Thanks to you, red wolves now have a fighting chance. You have provided a lifesaving solution for a species on the knife’s edge of extinction.
Photo at right taken by wildlife photographer extraordinaire James Ford (FB and IG). An old favorite of Dot(2412f) the Red Wolf for National Endangered species day. Remember to share and tell the world they exist.
Oh my goodness! It is with a heavy heart that I had to leave Hawaii after 12 years in this most beautiful place. I loved the beauty of the culture, the land (Aina) and even the isolation and diversity of the islands. Hawaii is where I first started my photography and conservation journey. Since 2016, I have had an amazing time capturing Hawaii's wildlife as well as working with so many wonderful conservancy organizations and other photographers. To my "shooting" buddy and my monk seal buddies...I love you and miss you all so much-you know who you are! There is so much more I will miss as far as photography, but of course, what I will miss the most is taking photos of my precious Manu O Ku and Hawaiian Monk Seals. I look forward to future visits with my human and wildlife families I left behind. A Hui Hou!
(Photo: Ho'omau Lehua (now deceased from dog attack))
Melody Bentz Photography has moved to our new home in Eastern North Carolina. My focus is still on "conservation and wildlife photography" and working with conservancy organizations and photographers in my new state and along the Coast. I am excited for where my photography journey will take me. the people I'll meet along the way, and what new wildlife species I'll learn about and capture with my lens. Backyard birding has become a favorite pastime. So, I am actively using eBird and Merlin to find hotspots, report sightings, and ID birds. I plan to use my website as a place where I can share my birding successes and challenges as I settle in my new home to help others learn how to successfully begin their birding journey.
(Photo: Tiger Swallowtail on Sunflower, Wilson, NC)
If you've followed me on my photography journey, you know that conservation efforts are a high priority. It doesn't matter if you're in Hawaii or North Carolina - respecting wildlife and their habitats and resources should be a priority for all! During my short visit to the Outer Banks last week, I visited ARNWR to first and foremost see the Black Bears and then any other beauty or critters would be icing on the cake. While sitting in our car watching for the Bears to come out of their living rooms, we witnessed some disturbing behavior - people travelling much too fast on the refuge's gravel roads. At one point, a momma Black Bear brought out her cub to take it to the corn fields for its final meal of the day. She had to shield her cub from the fast-oncoming car. When the cub got scared and started to double back, mom had no choice but to lead him back to the forest for safety. The car never slowed down or stopped even when it passed us sitting in our car.
I'm posting this story in hopes that it will be a reminder to all of us that we need to be ambassadors for God's natural treasures. We have the means through our voice and written words to help them "thrive and survive". It's as simple as...when in the wildlife refuges wherever you are, drive slowly, keep a vigilant lookout for wildlife, do not approach, disturb, harm or harass. If you see someone who needs a to them calmly and with the same respect you would like. Hopefully they will accept your kind and helpful words. Take photos of disturbances and send them to the local US Fish and Wildlife Services. Lastly, keep spreading the word - we are their voice!
All photographs herein copyrighted and owned by Melody Bentz Photography and cannot be printed, posted, copied, or distributed for any purpose without written consent of the photographer.
I sell my photo artwork through the Pixels website. Pixels gives you the versatility to order a photo in a variety of ways including prints (paper, metal, acrylic, etc), tote bag, phone cases, pillows, and so much more. Please check it out! If you're interested in purchasing a piece of art that you find on this website but it's not featured on Pixels, please contact me at and I will set up the photo so it can be purchased. Have fun shopping and Mahalo!
Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is the world’s largest nonprofit photography association organized for professional photographers, by professional photographers, with 34,000 creative members in more than 50 countries. Melody Bentz Photography has been a member since 2019.
We foster community values that result in the protection and restoration of native wildlife and ecosystems and conservation of natural resources through education, science, and advocacy in Hawai’i and the Pacific.
My photographs have been used by HAS on social medica and in print. Several photographs are featured in the new edition of their Hawaii's Birds book.
As a volunteer to protect and preserve the critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals, I've been with both professional conservation organizations (HMMA and HMSPO) as well as an Independent Volunteer. I served in several capacities such as beach response and administrator, using my photographs for websites, print articles, educational materials, grants and social media.
Rescue Team Lead, Education and Outreach Administrator, and Photographer. Hui Manu-o-Kū is a group of conservationists, researchers, and citizens who have one thing in common: an interest and admiration for the White Terns. The group ensures that the official bird of Honolulu is taken care of and watched after. Manu-o-Kū is a very unique bird, especially for an urban center like Honolulu.
Need to chat? Please email me at If you like what you see, my work is available for purchase on Fine Art America (see "Start Shopping" link above). If you don't find what you need, I'm available for personal consultation. Lastly, I fully support conservation education and outreach efforts. If you are a conservancy organization with a need, I'll gladly share my photos with prior consult and permission.